It is Terra-Marine’s policy to maintain a safe and healthy; working environment, free from the unauthorized use of drugs and total prohibition on alcohol, and any forms of intoxicating, fermenting, hallucinating and mentally/physically impairing consumable.


  • Bringing, carrying, soliciting in and use of alcoholic beverages & drugs onboard of all vessels are strictly prohibited.
  • Carriage or consumption of drugs not obtained by prescription from a doctor or form the ship's medical chest through the Master is an offence. We will actively co-operate with any Government or Government Agency concerned with.
  • Maintain a safe and healthy working environment free from the unauthorized use of drugs and alcohol.
  • Misuse of legitimate drugs, or the use, possession, distribution or sale of illicit or un-prescribed drugs ashore or onboard ships is prohibited and any person(s) found in breach of this will be subject to immediate dismissal.

Terra-Marine’s policy is that the only acceptable level of drug or alcohol content at any time MUST BE ZERO.

Managing Director

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