Terra-Marine’s Seafarers Recruitment and Placement policy is to fully comply with the ILO Maritime Labour Convention 2006 Regulation 1.4 “Recruitment and Placement”, recognizing that by establishing fair terms & conditions of service to Seafarers, with decent working and living conditions onboard, with cognizance to personal health & safety and Seafarers’ training & certification, and creating a level field with fair competition to Shipowners and Seafarers, it will create an efficient and productive environment that shall be beneficial to the industry.
The policy stringently focuses on the following MLC 2006 Standards:
- Protect & promote Seafarers’ rights.
- Ensuring Seafarers’ mandatory & appropriate training & qualifications.
- Ensuring appropriate pre-joining medical examination & certification.
- Employment pursuant to a CBA (Collective Bargaining Agreement).
- No recruitment fees to be charged to the Seafarer.
- No discrimination or exploitation of Seafarers.
- Seafarers be informed all their rights and conditions onboard.
- Seafarers’ right to make complaints & addressing the same.
- Ensure natural justice for dealing with cases of incompetence or indiscipline consistent with national laws or the CBA.
- Ensure working & living condition onboard complies with the Convention and / or the CBA.
- Ensuring Seafarers protected for medical treatment & compensation, payment wages & repatriation, even if stranded in a foreign port, through P. & I. cover or other measures.
- Provide safety training and other promotional guidance to Seafarers.
Managing Director